Author: damion

  • Trippen

    Chartres Labyrinth earrings, photo by Marcy Merrill It seems somehow appropriate to start this  post with an image of recently completed earrings. They represent the sum of my explorations into etching and using Japanese patina on shibuichi alloy-and the image of the Labyrinth, which is etched on the metal surface, is highly symbolic of my […]

  • Seeds of Summer

      The Bad Seed 1956-there is a tie in to this teaser photo-just keep reading…   The past month has been one of seasonal (and personal ) transition. As the days are getting longer and warmer we prepare  for the setting in motion of ideas, goals and long held dreams… To start with the most […]

  • Patina Envy

      This winter I have been on a quest for patina. Patina is a tarnish that forms on metals such as copper, bronze or other like alloys after exposure to oxygen, rain, salt and other natural elements over a long period of time. It causes iron to rust and sometimes produces shades of green coloring […]

  • Stormy day Musings

    Happy New Year Everyone! As I work on this draft, we are getting ready for a gale here on the coast of Washington State. It is just getting light outside, the yellow dot-to-dot of deck lights from the crabbing fleet glow across the horizon. In the relative calm before the storm I took  photos out […]

  • Good Morning October!

    Good Morning October!

      It’s been awhile since my last blog post..September has come and gone and with it, the summer season. When you live in a beach town there are definite signs of the season ending beyond the obvious (shorter days, cooler temps)  My neighbors for example- most are summer people, who spend the blissful season here […]